Sunday, 23 October 2016

Top 5 Blogger SEO Tools For Beginners

Blogger is the best way to earn money online, Many of beginners use different SEO tricks , Today I give you some SEO tips for your blog, The main point of my this article SEO For Blogs, If we work on blogger according to the google rules than we owner a search engine optimization blog ,So we earn the best income at home,Our expert suggests us every day new tricks of earn money and we try on these methods like earn money from PTC some years ago become a fame of online earn,Nowadays some people do this work but our experience have not suggested this way of earn money.This is waste of time for some coins,Thereby better we learn best tools like blogging,SEO,or Web designing etc,
Bloggers SEO tools are our spectrum today they are very important for SEO,This is our benefit to learn SEO,Google gives us a free SEO server for our blogger if we take seriously google policy  then google give us free Adsense for our blog and we are owner a great job at home,
Following are five best SEO tools for your blogger

1#;Google Keyword Planner

Google keyword planner is the best tool for SEO,This tool can help us to find the best keyword for our blog,This is a free tool from google,This tool can tell us better keyword because of SEO easily activated in our blog

2#;Google Webmaster Tools

Until we do not submit our blog on google webmaster interim google search engine cannot accept our blog or website pages,Google webmaster paly a very important rule to index our web pages on google search engine coincidently informed us our blog web pages errors,We know how many URL indexed from google search engine through this tool, If we quick index any URL of our website then google webmaster tools  suggest us Fetch as google  to help immediately index our website URLs

3#;Google Analytics

This is a precious tool from google,This tool informs us about visitors,As well we connect our google webmaster tools and google Adsense with Google Analytics

4#;Meta Description

This is an important tool of blogger , We make such best timeline keyword for our blog , Try the best keyword they are not correspondent in meta description,You can use maximum 150 keywords in Blogger Meta Description
Meta Description Blogger

5#;Bing Webmaster

We use this tool  to activate our blog in yahoo and bing search engine, Bing webmaster and Google webmaster are have the same process ,

Stay Visit our blog For blogger SEO tools,blogger SEO,blog SEO,blogging tools,seo tools,meta description,SEO blog,SEO for beginners,seo guide,seo google